art in real life


An assortment of videos so you can get to know me.  Thanks for visiting.


An assortment of videos so you can get to know me.  Thanks for visiting.

Demo Day (8/2017)

Demo Day (8/2017)

SILQ-EDU, StartCo Demo Day, August 2017

Demo Day was the culminating event for the 100-day startup accelerator in which my company participated. 

SILQ-EDU Overview (5/2017)

SILQ-EDU Overview (5/2017)

SILQ-EDU In-Depth Overview Video

I made this video to present to a Young Entrepreneur's program sponsored by Middle Tennessee State University.   

A Video for Teachers (2/2017)

A Video for Teachers (2/2017)

Thank You to Teachers!

Thank you to all of the amazing teachers from whom I have learned. You are extraordinary! Thank you also to Brad and Kristi Montague for getting me to think about gratitude. Find their call for public gratitude at Montague Workshop.

*all content and production are original work except music used with permission from Bensound.

MHA, a Special Place (2/2015)

MHA, a Special Place (2/2015)

Early Childhood Program for K-12 school MHA-FYOS

A promo-video I made for an early-childhood program at a K-12 school where I worked.

*all content and production are original work except music used with permission from Bensound.